Interviewed by Rishika Garg: November 2020
What’s in your wardrobe?
My wardrobe aesthetic ranges from casual to chic and sultry. There are some really cool pieces which are my absolute favorites!
What’s the first app, website or thing you open or do in the morning?
Instagram definitely. I’m an insta girl. But sometimes, depending solely on my mood and choice would I skim through my YouTube channel. And, if I’m away from my parents, traveling, then I’d check their messages on WhatsApp first.
Most favourite piece in your wardrobe?
There’s only one answer I can give to this question and it’s that I can’t decide on one. There are way too many treasured pieces for me to choose from. However, I do like a good sexy breezy style outfit, so maybe something similar. That’s more me.
One quote you live by?
This one is definitely my mantra and the one I live by ‘fall seven times, stand up eight.’
What are the most worn items in your closet?
I’d have to say my short spaghetti tops. I’m totally obsessed with those. And, my baggy pants. What can I say? A girl needs her comfort! And, those pants are the epitome of comfy.
Lastly, if you had to choose, shoes or bags? Oh, I’d choose shoes, no argument there. I love a good pair of heels. It has the ability to make any girl feel powerful and read