Scorching summer can make your skin feel dehydrated, dry and flaky. For some redness and summer acne and sweat clogging the pores leading to intense breakouts may cause much worry. If you aren’t a fan of drugstore-bought solutions for these problems, let us tell you a few homemade hacks with readily available kitchen ingredients to make your skin feel fresh and rejuvenated this summer.
Banana and Honey Face Mask
Ingredients: 1 Banana, 2 tablespoons honey, ¼ cup plain yoghurt
Smash a medium-sized banana with honey and yoghurt to make a thick paste. Apply the mask on the face as a thick coat. Rinse after 20 minutes. This nourishing face mask is best for dry dehydrated skin. While bananas help make skin feel softer, honey and yoghurt retain moisture and improve skin texture. Use this mask twice a week to gain soft baby skin.
Oil & Lemon Pack
Ingredients: ¼ cup olive or almond oil, lemon juice from 1 lemon
This summer freshness mask is best to reduce the soreness in the skin. It combats the heat pimples and reduces dullness. This is a nurturing, moisturizing, cleansing, and refreshing that’s safe on teens’ as well as adults’ skin. All you gotta do is mix the ingredients and apply the face pack in the morning. This breakfast pack is also good to get rid of summer tan.
Orange Peel Scrub
Ingredients: 2 Orange peels, turmeric powder and ¼ coconut oil
Love eating oranges? Well, me too. But next time you eat one don’t trash the peels. Dry orange peels under the sun. Add the peels to a blender and grind them to form a powder and store this powder in an airtight container. To make your weekly skin brightening and exfoliating face mask, add the orange peel power to a pinch of turmeric and coconut oil. Mix them well and apply the scrub on your damp skin. Rinse off completely after 10 minutes. This is your token to glowing skin!
Helen of Troy Face Mask
Ingredients: ¼ cup cider vinegar, ¼ cup water
Summer sun can age your skin faster. It can accelerate the appearance of fine lines and also make skin saggy. Mix an equal proportion of cider vinegar and water, and apply the solution to the face. This cleanses and firms the skin. It can also halt the appearance of fine lines on the face. Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
Egg White Face Mask
Ingredients: Tea tree oil and 1 egg white.
This easy-to-make mask is a quick fix for your summer skin. Just add 1 drop of tea tree oil to 1 egg white and apply the blend to your face. Let the mixture dry and after 20 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. Tea tree oil is rich in antibacterial properties and helps in controlling acne. The egg is best known as a natural conditioner which can also be used to help bring back the skin’s elasticity.