Interviewed by Rishika Garg: October 2021

Tell us more about Your Show” The Simonetta Lein Show”?
The Simonetta Lein Show is an IGTV native show where celebrities and top influencers talk about current issues. The show has started right before the quarantine and made it through the “in home” version to get stronger for the second season that just premiered with superstars actor Bob Saget.
Of all the Show you have done, which one is your favourite?
Bob Saget.
Tell us about your upcoming project?
I am shooting the show so please stay tuned on @simonettalein to see the incredible guests that will come on The Simonetta Lein Show.
Some important tips to our readers about social media marketing?
You should always put a face behind your product/service. People need to feel that there is someone behind, an idea, and a message. In an era where everything is going digital, accountability will differentiate you from the rest. Good old manners are truly important in marketing more than you can imagine.
Tell us about your philanthropist projects? And how anyone can be a part of it.
Please go to – check out the medical facility we have rebuild for 800 people in Africa. You can donate to the cause and/or you can decide that you want to help others. You can also submit your wish under the voice: Express your wish.
What will be your dream project?
Having a child and be able as a woman and a mother to continue to thrive and inspire millions. Women can do it all.